SMS is reborn as an acqui channel in the Smartphone age

In the early days of Deal4Loans, we used to get a lot of traffic and leads through SMS campaigns. Especially for products like Personal Loans (Simple pitch and high-urgency in a need based product)

SMS reborn in smartphone ageDuring those days, NDNC (National DO NOT CALL) list was not introduced and there were very few players who were sending bulk SMS for lead generation. Response rates were high.

Market quickly figured out that this was a cost effective and easy channel to scale up. A tsunami of SMS campaigns started to happen and finally the National government had to intervene with its NDNC initiative.

And while SMS acquisition campaigns have largely died out, it seems to be back again.  And with even more potential.

In a recent campaign we closely observed, a bank reached out to a select base of consumers through SMS and emails. The resulting traffic on the portal was significantly higher in case of SMS.


Apart from all the other factors (higher delivery rates, targeting time of intervention), now most recipients have a 3G or Wifi enabled smartphone, where CTAs are simple. This campaign had a short URL taking to the Landing Page after a crisp text talking about the offer.

Lesson learnt:

If you can withhold the temptation to abuse your mobile registered users, SMS can deliver amazing results even in marketing campaigns.



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