Category: Others

  • Can someone ever be truly selfish

    selfish (of a person, action, or motive) lacking consideration for other people; concerned chiefly with one’s own personal profit or pleasure. This definition is inherently flawed. Why? I can explain it in two steps: Very simple – I have come to believe that the only way any of us can get true happiness and peace…

  • Why are we becoming more insensitive

    Are we really becoming more insensitive? I usually have my breakfast at office and the TV in the cafeteria is typically tuned into some news channel. On quite a few days I end up watching “100 tez khabar” or something with a similar name on one of the Hindi news channel. The other day it just…

  • Lack of pride – worse problem than corruption

    Aam Admi Party and its parent movement – India Against Corruption – started a fight against corruption- probably the greatest evil which is eroding our country in all possible manner. I have always felt that whether we like the women/men/kids leading this movement or not, whether we like their methods or not, we should stand by…

  • Uttarakhand Flood Relief – What we can do

    I have been asking around to identify possible areas where we can chip in to help with the Uttarakhad Relief work. Adding the options I have found so far, here so that those who wish to support can find it easier to do so. List of Medicines needed for UKhand (source Goonj website) List of…

  • Youth and Indian Politics

    On a recent flight I found myself sitting next to the NSUI General Secretary – a smart young guy from Jharkhand who has not only managed to rise through the ranks of the Youth/Student wing of Congress, but more importantly, has done so inspite of a non-political family background. I did my best to poke…